You have to fold it and put it away.
Isn't it nice for everything to be clean and smelling fresh and wonderful?!?
I live in a high rise in New York City and one of those perks is that I do not have a washer and a dryer.
WHAT? A perk?
Well, it is because I can send out our laundry and it comes back to me washed, dried and folded.
There are times that I need something quickly or over the weekend and I use the laundry room in my building.
It is full of machines and for a price, you can wash and dry to your hearts desire.
It smells like detergent and dryer sheets and all things clean.
I was waiting on some sheets and towels to dry one day and I started thinking about our bigger heart desire to be clean.
We can scrub and wash our clothes and our bodies, but the true desire of every human heart is to be clean on the inside.
We all have dirt. It may be dirt of the past that hides in the tiny crevices of our hearts or it may be dirt of the present that is splatted all over the front.
It might be a dusting that you don't mind talking about.
It might be such grime that you wouldn't dare tell anyone about it.
It might be obvious to others or it might be so hidden and secret that no one knows and you would be horrified if they found out.
What do we do with all that dirt?
The good news is this ~ Jesus is in the business of cleansing hearts.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
King David penned these words during one of the lowest points in his life. The dirt and mud were caked around his heart in such a way that he could not ignore it anymore. We are still crying out to God with this same desire and He is still answering.
You don't have to hide your dirt.
You don't have to just accept it and learn to
live in the dust.
All of our dirt and the shame that comes with it was taken care of on the cross.
When God sees you, He sees Jesus and His righteousness.
So, if there was ever a place to bring all your dirty laundry . . .
It is at the feet of Jesus.
He cleanses, forgives, covers and restores.
We can be clean because He paid the price.
And oh how He loves us.